How Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Enables You To Reprogram Your Subconscious

How Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Enables You To Reprogram Your Subconscious

‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, either way, you are right.’ Henry Ford

Bloody hell! This is so true. This quote gave me chills when I read it.

Unhelpful Subconscious Beliefs

We are so ruled by our subconscious beliefs. And so many of those beliefs are shaped in childhood.

For most of my life, despite my adventurous spirit, my parents’ and wider family’s outlook on the world has been imprinted on me and has been giving me an upper limit of what’s possible for me.

This isn’t about blame. It’s about understanding that I want to transcend family limits and set myself free and hopefully blaze the trail for other family members and loved ones to live a bigger life.

I believe everyone has these subconscious limits that can be shifted and overcome.

Overcoming My Own Limiting Beliefs Through EFT

I think one of the most significant shifts I’ve experienced from doing EFT with practitioners is finding my true voice and putting it out in the world confidently.

Like many people (and particularly women), I learnt to suppress so many feelings, needs and wants. For a long time I didn’t actually know what I felt and wanted.

But EFT has allowed me to excavate the true essence of me and it’s so freeing! And what has been especially freeing is I’m more comfortable about owning my flaws and my pettiness which I used to try and hide.

Of course like everybody I’m deeply flawed. I just can’t be arsed to hide it anymore 😂. I now have more confidence that I will be loved warts and all. And in fact maybe my flaws make me extra loveable.

Are You In Need Of A Confidence Boost?

If you fancy getting in touch with the real you and freeing yourself up so you can live more joyfully and fully, perhaps you’d like to sign up to do EFT with me.

The ripple effects of doing EFT are far reaching. Whether that’s improvements in career, relationship, energy levels, confidence, boundaries – so many things!

My package is £300 for 6 sessions – on zoom or in person. Get in touch to find out more.